The Entrepreneurship and Funding Division of Airlangga Public Health Student Association (APHSA) BEM FKM UNAIR 2023 successfully held EWBC 2023. This activity is an abbreviation for Entrepreneurship Webinar and Business Model Canvas Competition 2023, in which there is a business model canvas competition that was held last May. The event’s highlight will be a webinar and talk show on Sunday (17/09/2023).
The EWBC 2023 webinar and talk show were held online. Still, the organizing committee was offline at the FKM Computer Laboratory to prepare for the event. The difference between EWBC 2023 and last year’s EWBC is using the OBS system in Zoom meetings so that the results look more professional for national-scale webinars. The 2023 EWBC webinar and talk show carries the theme “From Start-up to Scale-up: Strategies for Growth.”
“So, it is hoped that this activity can become a forum for participants to share with the resource persons about how they (the resource persons) developed their business from what was initially unknown to what is now.” Explained Adelia Rizky as the event coordinator for the EWBC 2023 event.
This event invited three speakers who are experienced in the field of entrepreneurship and were guided by the moderator, Dewi Alfiyatus, Talented Ambassador of FKM 2022. The first speaker is the owner of Petit.bites since 2019, whose products have recently become popular among young people. Fadillah Siska Chaniago explained the material with the sub-theme “Strategies to pique customer’s interest by building social media branding.” Apart from Petit.bites, he is also the Co-Founder of High.Lighters since 2021.
The talk show session with Regita Cahyaning Astuti was held after the session with the owner of Petit.bites. This talk show has the theme “Armed with creativity: exploring challenges and opportunities,” which follows the background of the second presenter, namely a content creator, owner of @_dilukisin (painting business in various media, for example, shoes, tote bags, and jeans), @ rgnotebooks, as well as the founder of @thegart. He has started his business when he was in junior high school, to be precise, in 2017.
The final session of the EWBC 2023 webinar was presented by the owner of Hijabic_Id, Meatry Kurniasari, S. AB, with the theme “Success Stories of Women Entrepreneurs: Lessons Learned and Inspirational Stories.” She has been involved in the fashion sector, including hijab and mukena, since 2016, when she was a student, using her boarding room as a place to pack products. Until now, she has a shop, both offline and online. Hijabic also collaborates with influencer Dianty Annisa.
“There’s no need to be afraid of failure; spend your failure quota while you’re still young,” said the owner of Hijabic after ending the material session.
All participants who attended this event were very enthusiastic to gain more knowledge about the business world. It is not surprising that this event was able to reach around 850 registrants and 600 participants who joined the Zoom meeting. The number has doubled from EWBC 2022 participants. It is a considerable achievement, and even though there are micro-obstacles, the essence of the event still needs to be improved.
Nusaiba Fahany, chairman of EWBC 2023, revealed that this year’s EWBC went very well, and it is hoped that EWBC 2024 can reach more participants and be held offline. Apart from that, it can also provide a stage for successful entrepreneurs who are FKM alumni to become speakers.
Author: Shinta Kurniasari