The Student Legislative Body (BLM) has successfully implemented the Workshop with Deans (SAWID) work program for the second time this year. This activity was carried out in a hybrid manner on September 25 2023 in the FKM Sumarto Hall and also via Zoom Meeting. This SAWID activity was attended by the academic community of the Faculty of Public Health, especially inviting the Dean’s staff as the main resource persons. The topics raised were based on the results of the aspiration net that had been carried out previously. Some of the topics most frequently voiced were regarding FKM facilities, conditioning of lecture schedules, refunds of practicum funds, and nutrition administration services.

Before implementing SAWID II, BLM itself had collected student aspirations via Google form for a period of approximately 2 weeks with respondents from the aspiration survey being FKM students from the 2020 to 2023 class. The first aspiration discussed by the students was related to the facilities and infrastructure which were starting to deteriorate. Responding to this, Dr. M. Athoillah Isfandiari, dr., M.Kes., as Vice Dean II, said “When it comes to infrastructure, the building is indeed old and it is time for rejuvenation.” He also added that regarding infrastructure, BEM asked BEM to give an official letter to WD II regarding the facilities that needed to be repaired and would replace them in stages.

The Student Legislative Body (BLM) has successfully implemented the Workshop with Deans (SAWID) work program for the second time this year. This activity was carried out hybridly on September 25, 2023, in the FKM Sumarto Hall and via Zoom Meeting. This SAWID activity was attended by the academic community of the Faculty of Public Health, especially inviting the Dean’s staff as the leading resource persons. The topics raised were based on the results of the aspiration net that had been carried out previously. Some of the issues most frequently voiced were regarding FKM facilities, conditioning of lecture schedules, refunds of practicum funds, and nutrition administration services.

Before implementing SAWID II, BLM collected student aspirations via Google form for approximately two weeks, with respondents from the aspiration survey being FKM students from the 2020 to 2023 class. The first aspiration discussed by the students was related to the facilities and infrastructure, which were starting to deteriorate. Responding to this, Dr. M. Athoillah Isfandiari, dr., M.Kes., Vice Dean II, said, “When it comes to infrastructure, the building is indeed old, and it is time for rejuvenation.” He added that regarding infrastructure, BEM asked BEM to give an official letter to WD II regarding the facilities that needed to be repaired and would replace them in stages.

The next aspiration concerns the conditioning of lecture schedules, starting from a replacement holiday schedule (PHL) to compressed lectures for semester 7. Regarding this matter, Vice Dean II, Prof. Dr. Nyoman Anita Damayanti, drg., M.Kes., said that if there is something that causes lectures not to be held according to schedule, such as work outside the city, then lecturers are encouraged to conduct classes online. He also said, “Conditions of the lecture schedule will be reported at the meeting, and for 7th-semester students, the complaints that have been submitted will be conveyed.”

Not only that, aspirations also came from the Nutrition Study Program regarding refunds of practicum funds and administrative services. Regarding practicum money, the Nutrition Study Program KPS, Emyr Reisha Isaura, S.Gz, M.Ph., Ph.D., will confirm it first with the person in charge of the LAB, while regarding PKL money, he also said he will follow up on this after all the processes administration is complete. Apart from that, regarding administrative services, it is not uncommon to find several errors originating from the students themselves, so students are asked to pay more attention to the necessary equipment, and efforts will be made by the staff to remain firm and more friendly.

The Student Legislative Council (DLM), represented by Sofa and Mega, also attended the SAWID II activities this time. At the end of the activity, DLM also delivered a presentation regarding one of the work programs called Krisaka Vol 3.0. Krisaka, or Criticism of Airlangga Knights’ Suggestions, is addressed to all active Airlangga University students as a form of aspiration to convey good criticism and suggestions to the Institution, logistics, security, order, and environment (LKKL) of Airlangga University. This is good news for all students.


Author: Nur Tsani Hasanah A