The Student Legislative Body, which has a role as a place to channel communication from students to the dean, has completed one of the work programs held annually. The activity is called SAWID (Sarasehan with Dekanat) and is carried out twice. SAWID 1 was held on Monday to Tuesday, May 22-23, 2023, in the afternoon at Zoom Cloud Meetings. Many aspirations were given by students at SAWID 1 this time.

The first aspiration is related to student complaints about lecturers who are difficult to contact. Based on the discussions that have been held, the results obtained are that there must be coordination and communication carried out by the class committee or PJMK to the teaching lecturers properly and politely. In addition, this issue will also be discussed further with the lecturers and the dean in the monthly meeting. Regarding information about internships and the SKS conversion system, it was conveyed by Mrs. Muji and Mrs. Lucia as the study program coordinator and head of the conversion team on Saturday, May 20, 2023, through Zoom Cloud Meetings.

The next aspiration is that the facilities at the Faculty of Public Health will be improved, especially regarding the projector, which has started to turn yellow. In addition, the tub in the toilet will be eliminated and replaced with a jet shower to reduce the potential for mosquito larvae in the bathroom. Regarding the loan of toga, the suggestion of using Flip has been well received. It will be conveyed to the student affairs by the dean. Meanwhile, related to the toga guarantee money will be discussed further with Mr. Athoillah as Vice Dean II.

The many complaints about plagiarism among students of the Faculty of Public Health have been conveyed to the dean and are well received. After the discussion, the dean will take firm action against the perpetrators of plagiarism. This requires help from students to report if they find such fraud. Regarding complaints about the sudden release of letters, the dean explained that the release of letters has its flow so that information on the release of notes can be asked in advance to the relevant study program. Regarding the PKM during the exam, the dean agreed that PKM would not be held during the exam.

News related to SAWID results will be delivered through BLM FKM UNAIR Instagram. The dean hopes that students can be active in providing aspirations and complaints without waiting for the SAWID activity schedule. Students can provide their complaints or aspirations through the BLM FKM UNAIR Instagram, which will later be submitted to the dean.