Celebrating Nutrition 2024 and Internal Nutrition Anniversary by Building Personal Branding for Nutritionist Candidates (SDGs 3: Good Health and Well-Being)

Internal Nutrition is an annual activity organized by the Association of Nutrition Students (AMAZI) Universitas Airlangga. The activity brings together alumni with students of the S1 nutrition study program to share experiences in the world of work as nutritionists as useful information for fellow students. There is something special about this year, where the Internal Nutrition activity is combined with the Nutrition Anniversary celebration of FKM UNAIR 2024. The joining of the two series of activities made the birthday celebration more lively with the presence of fellow students along with lecturers, educational staff, and the dean. Internal and Nutrition Anniversary 2024 was held on Thursday, April 25, 2024. In Soemarto Hall FKM UNAIR, the activity began with remarks from the chairman of AMAZI, representatives of the study program, and the dean. After that, halal bihalal as a form of friendship and strengthening the solidarity of the big family of Prodi S1 Nutrition. As an additional entertainment and appreciation, there is also a lecturer and mawapres awarding event which is certainly eagerly awaited for the announcement of who gets it.

The series of events have passed, enter the most anticipated event by fellow students, namely sharing with alumni. This year, Internal Nutrition brought Mbak Martina Puspa Wangi, S.Gz. as the speaker. The material raised was not canned, namely building good personal branding for prospective nutritionists. This material is also related to SDGs number 3, namely Goal Health and Well-Being. Building personal branding as a prospective nutritionist is an important step in highlighting your competencies and values. By strengthening personal branding, a prospective nutritionist can inspire and empower individuals to live a healthy and quality life. One way to build strong personal branding is to focus on Sustainable Development Goal (SDGs) number three, which is Good Health and Well-Being. By paying attention to the principles of SDG number three, an aspiring nutritionist can promote healthy lifestyles, educate the public on the importance of balanced nutrition, and provide practical advice to achieve and maintain optimal health. Thus, through efforts to build personal branding focused on SDGs number three, a prospective nutritionist can play an active role in creating a healthier and more sustainable society.

This material is very suitable for students as prospective nutritionists to know how to build personal branding from here and what are the benefits for the future. The next series of

events was the announcement of the AMAZI CUP. The Nutrition Anniversary event was also enlivened by the holding of AMAZI CUP, an online and offline competition. This announcement was the closing event of the Internal activities and Nutrition Anniversary 2024. With the end of the series of Internal and Nutrition Anniversary 2024 events, we hope that the valuable experiences shared by the alumni, as well as the material on building personal branding, have provided new insights that are useful for fellow students as prospective nutritionists. The combination of Internal Nutrition activities and the celebration of Nutrition Anniversary FKM UNAIR 2024 has created a festive and memorable moment for all members of the big family of Prodi S1 Nutrition. May the spirit of solidarity and enthusiasm to continue to develop in the world of nutrition continue to burn. We also congratulate the winners of AMAZI CUP as a glorious ending to this celebration.

Author: Ayu Artantya Balqis
NIM  : 192231019