Mount Ruang Erupts: The Right to Clean Water and Sanitation for Refugees (SDGs 6: Clean Water and Sanitation)

North Sulawesi was again shaken by a mountain eruption disaster. Until 12:00 WITA on April 19th, 2024, the status of Mount Ruang still showed stagnation at level IV (Caution) after another eruption two days earlier. The Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (PVMBG) said that the potential for a tsunami due to the eruption of Mount Ruang still exists. In 1971, the eruption of the mountain located in Sitaro Regency, North Sulawesi, triggered a 24-meter-high tsunami that killed up to 400 people. Accompanied by volcanic lightning, Mount Ruang is still considered dangerous so hundreds of local residents were evacuated to Apeng Sela Village, with 53 of them choosing to stay in the GMIST Siloam church building. Evacuees are at higher risk of malnutrition as a result of acute food insecurity. Mrs. Mince Katiandago, one of the evacuees from Lainpatehi, Ruang Island, claimed to have received food supplies provided by the Social Affairs Office and TNI. They need blankets, clothes, hygiene kits and clean water.

Clean water and sanitation have a very important role in the welfare and health of refugees. When natural disasters or conflicts force people to flee their homes, access to clean water and sanitation facilities often becomes a serious problem. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), is a global organization that dedicates and contributes to the rights that refugees should have, one of which is clean water and proper sanitation by adopting a holistic approach, WASH. Without proper toilets and hygiene products, clean water

sources for drinking and cooking can become contaminated and increase the risk of disease transmission and infection.

To prevent and minimize disease transmission or to ensure refugees have enough drinking water, UNHCR plays a role in the transportation, storage, and treatment of water in areas where water supply infrastructure is lacking. UNHCR is also helping to realize Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Number six, Clean Water and Sanitation by providing toilets and managing proper solid waste disposal. This is done in an effort to control disease vectors such as mosquitoes, flies and other pests.

Author: Adhia Raidah Kusdiyanti
NIM     : 192231017