Semester 3

Basic Biostatistics (MAS111) - 2 SKS/ 3.2 ECTSThis course discusses the definition, scope, and role of statistics; data and data scale; descriptive statistical concepts, population and sample, and descriptive statistical functions; central size, diversity, and position; presentation of data; the concept of inferential statistics, the concept of error and the relationship between descriptive and inferential statistics, the concept of probability and the principle of calculating probabilities; discrete and continuous probability distributions; sample sample distribution; concepts, steps and hypothesis testing; estimate
Epidemiology of Communicable Disease (KME302) - 2 SKS/ 3.2 ECTSThis course discusses the magnitude of the problem of infectious diseases, their distribution in an Epidemiology approach, as well as the determinants and risk factors for infectious diseases, as well as aspects of prevention and control of infectious diseases. The focus of the discussion is on the control and prevention of communicable diseases and the basic pathogenic mechanisms of selected communicable diseases which are currently still a big problem in public health. Lectures include laboratory sessions and class lectures
Public Health Communication (SOK207) - 3 SKS/ 4.8 ECTSThe public health communication course discusses:
1. Definition, concepts and principles of health communication
2. Commnuication in health promotion
3. Effective communication at intrapersonal, interpersonal, group and mass levels
4. Health communication and behavior change
5. Theories in health communication
6. Health communication in culture and psychosocial
7. Health communication planning and practice
8. Health communication practices offline and online on social media
Basic of Hospital and Primary Healthcare Administration (KMA205) - 2 SKS/ 3.2 ECTSThis material discusses the basic concepts of Hospitals and Health Centers including:
1. Definition of Hospitals and Health Centers, position of Hospitals and Health Centers in the health system and health service system, main tasks and functions of Hospitals and Health Centers, scope of implementation of Hospitals and Health Centers.
2. Hospital administration specifically discusses hospital licensing, hospital classification, hospital service
characteristics (hospital organizational and consumer characteristics), hospital organization (governance), hospital statute (bylaws), minimum service standards and standard hospital operational procedures, programs hospital quality and safety.
3. Puskesmas administration specifically discusses Puskesmas planning, Puskesmas performance evaluation, Puskesmas referral system, Puskesmas mini workshops.
Group Dynamics (PSK204) - 2 SKS/ 3.2 ECTSDiscussed about:
understanding of Group Development in Public Health, Forming group health identity, Group expressing (feelings, creativity, preventing group breakdown, and creating effective communication within the group), Developing expertise (morale, coordination system), Raising productivity and forming a commitment to health in games Community Health Group Development
Basic of Environmental Health (LKM206) - 2 SKS/ 3.2 ECTSDefinition and Concept of Environmental Health Ecology, Hygiene and Sanitation, Health Aspects and Provision of Clean Water, Liquid and Solid Waste Management, Environmental Pollution (Air, Water, Soil), Vector Control, Food and Beverage Sanitation Hygiene.
Basic of Occupational Health and Safety (KMK217) - 2 SKS/ 3.2 ECTSThis course discusses about:
1. Legislation in the field of K3,
2. History and scipe of OSH,
3. Differences in public health, hiperkes and 5 levels of Prevention of Disease and Accident,
4. K3 and P2K3 programs,
5. K3 communciation,
6. Occupational Health Program,
7. Health Examination,
8. Factors affecting the health of the workforce,
9. Health disorder due to the chemical (solvent). biological, an physical work environment.
Community Reproductive Health (KMD105) - 2 SKS/ 3.2 ECTSThs course discusses:
1. The concept of public reproductive health,
2. Human reproductive system,
3. Diseases of the human reproductive organs,
4. Women’s Health,
5. Safe Motherhood I,
6. Safe Motherhood II,
7. Family planning,
8. Abortion,
9. Child Survival,
10. Adolescent reproductive health,
11. Worker reproductive health,
12. Elderly reproductive health,
13. Sexuality and reproductive health, and
14. Quality of reproductive health care and services
Basic Nutrition Science (NUM101) - 2 SKS/ 3.2 ECTSThis material is basic knowledge of the concept of nutritional science as a basis for understanding in studying nutrition science courses along with nutritional biochemistry which will be further developed in the following semester. The material covers the history of nutrition, the definition and scope of nutrition, the relationship between food and health, explaining the types, functions, sources and nutritional requirements for the body, the basic concept of recommended nutritional adequacy rates.
Buddhism II (AGB401) - 2 SKS/ 3.2 ECTSThis course discusses the nature of God Almighty, in the UDANA VIII Scriptures, the birth of P, Sidarta for Six Years and the Attainment of Perfect Enlightenment (become) a Buddha, Dharma Preaching at Isipatana Park forming the Sangha, the Law of Emptiness that applies in 31 realms life, Arupa Loka Nature, Rupa Loka and Karma Loka, and the Law of karma.
Konghucu Religion II (AGC401) - 2 SKS/ 3.2 ECTSThis course discusses knowledge, basic values and examples of the application of the Confucian religion for students to be encouraged to become a Junzi (virtuous person) who harmonizes the relationship between Tian (God), Di (Universe), and Ren (Human); and glorify the Five Social Relations (Wu Lun), apply the principle of Zhi Ren Yong (Wisdom, Loving and Courageous) as a concrete manifestation of glorifying Tian, honoring ancestors. With this course, students are expected to be able to understand the values of essential Virtue which can be used as a basic guideline in life.
Hinduism II (AGH401) - 2 SKS/ 3.2 ECTSConception of God (Brahma Widya), Catur Marga Yoga, Hindu Human Nature I, Hindu Human Nature II, Ethics and Morality I, Ethics and Morality II, Technology Science in Hindu Perspective I, II, Religious Harmony, Jagadhita Working Society, Culture as a Hindu Lecture Experience, Politics According to a Hindu Perspective, Hinduism in the Framework of Upholding Justice
Islamic Religion II (AGI401) - 2 SKS/ 3.2 ECTSIslamic Religious II contains the application of religious lectures related to the field of public health
Christian-Catholic II (AGK401) - 2 SKS/ 3.2 ECTSChristian-Catholic II was given by reffering to the principles of student centered learning (SCL), discussing:
1. Module 1: The concept of God in Catholicism, the concept of faith, and its implementation in modern life
2. Module 2: Belief in the Bible, Sacraments and Liturgy
3. Module 3: Chatolic spirituality
4. Module 4: Church social lecture as an implementation of faith
5. Module 5: Dialogue and harmony between religions
6. Module 6: Faith and socio-politics: law, huma rights, and democary
7. Module 7: Faith and Science and Technology
8. Module 8: Faith, Culture and Multiculturalism
Protestant II (AGP401) - 2 SKS/ 3.2 ECTSProtestant Christian religious education is a subject that makes religion a source of values and guidelines in the development of Christian personality that upholds human dignity. This course is presented based on the Competency-Based Curriculum (KBK) component, which consists of Competence, Study Substance, Sub Study and the entire learning process including methodology and evaluation. The substance of the study is a topic that has been determined by the Directorate General of Higher Education through SK No. 38/Dikti/Kep/2002