Food Sanitation (NUM102) - 2 SKS/ 3.2 ECTSThis course discusses the principles of food sanitation, management of food and beverage sanitation, food additives (food additive), Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP),ISO 22000, HACCP, food digestive system, foodborne illnesses
Animal-Borne Disease Control (LKM406) - 2 SKS/ 3.2 ECTSThis lecture discusses the definition and scope Diseases of animal origin, epidemiology and distribution mechanisms of transmission and control.
Instrumentation and Field Observation (Practicum) (LKM314) - 3 SKS/ 4.8 ECTSThis course discusses the introduction, use, and equipment applications related to environmental health
Water Management (LKM313) - 2 SKS/ 3.2 ECTSThis material is delivered by means of classical lectures (lectures), group discussions and presentations. This material discusses clean water, drinking water, water bodies, water criteria and class, water supply, water contamination, water related to health and disease, water inspection, water quality monitoring, water treatment, urban water supply, rural water supply.
Waste Management (LKM312) - 2 SKS/ 3.2 ECTSThis material is delivered face to face, visits fieldwork, and presentations; discusses the sources and types of waste (liquid, solid, and gas) and their effects on public health, liquid waste management systems (oxidation ponds, activated sludge, filtration, aeration, sludge management), waste water gardens, industrial area liquid waste management systems, faecal waste management system, solid waste management (4R, landfill, incinerator, and composting), Biogas, Transmission microbe
Vector and Rodent Control (LKM309) - 2 SKS/ 3.2 ECTSThis course discusses the definitions of vectors and rodents which includes the definition of vectors and rodents, aspects of parasitology, environmental health and sociological aspects in vector and rodent control.