Specialization of Occupational Health and Safety

Industrial Toxicology II (FAT305) - 2 SKS/ 3.2 ECTSThis course discusses the toxic effects of several groups including
1. Toxic effects of metals
2. Toxic effects of organic solvents
3. Toxic effects of pesticides
4. Fibro-genic dust
5. Asphyxiant gases
6. Alcohols and aldehydes
7. Carcinogenic, mutagenic and teratogenic toxic effects
Occupational Disease (KMK202) - 2 SKS/ 3.2 ECTSThis course discusses:
1. History and understanding of work-related diseases
2. How to diagnose
3. Causes of work-related illnesses include physical factors (noise, vibration, light, air pressure, radiation), chemical factors (dust, steam, fume), micro-organism factors, work-related allergies, psychology
4. Diagnosis of a disability due to a work accident
5. Reporting of work-related diseases
Industrial Hygiene II (KMK310) - 3 SKS/ 4.8 ECTSThis course discusses the application of the HIRARC of
1. Physical Factors including noise, vibration, radiation, lighting, climate, and pressure,
2. Biological Factors
3. Chemical Factors including gas, solid, liquid
Risk Management of OHS (KMK312) - 2 SKS/ 3.2 ECTSThis course discusses:
1. Risk in the work environment
2. Hazard identification techniques
4. Quantitative and qualitative risk analysis techniques
5. Basic concepts of risk management,
6. Implementation of risk management
7. OHSMS (OHS Management System)
8. OHSMS normative foundation
9. OHSMS Audit
Implementation of OHS (Practicum) (KMK313) - 2 SKS/ 3.2 ECTSThis course discusses:
1. Working climate
2. Lighting
3. Noise
4. Dust measurement
5. Pulmonary physiology
6. Audiometry
7. Blood pressure
8. Blood chemistry
9. Physical fitness
10. Work load
11. Work fatigue
Ergonomic and Work Physics II (KMK306) - 2 SKS/ 3.2 ECTSThis course discusses:
1. Measurement of mental load
2. Measurement of physical load
3. Risk management of manual handling work
4. Manual handling work risk assessment methods
5. RWL and LI
6. Risk assessment of musculoskeletal system complaints using the OWAS, RULA, REBA and Nordic Body Map
7. Time Motion Study