Nutrition and Food Service Management (NUM302) - 2 SKS/ 3.2 ECTS | This course discusses: 1. Food service 2. Menu planning 3. Production Management including the Procurement of foodstuffs 4. Storage, preparation and cooking and distribution; Cost control 5. Organization and management (utilization of human resources, management of physical infrastructure including equipment selection and layout of equipment, work unit designs) 6. Energy and waste management 7. Management and processing of financial data 8. Promotion and marketing 9. Trend and Issues of Food service |
Iptek Gizi Mutakhir (NUM307) - 2 SKS/ 3.2 ECTS | This course is an enrichment of knowledge and material to train students' critical analysis of various issues in the field of food and nutrition in Indonesia and globally to develop thesis materials and to hold seminar events |
Food Security (NUM216) - 2 SKS/ 3.2 ECTS | This course discusses: the concept/paradigm of food security, determinant factors, indicators, food security, food security systems, conditions of food security (world and Indonesia) from various aspects: production, availability, distribution, consumption and food security and the burden double nutrition), identification of food insecurity, along with measurements of food insecurity (FIA, ISMAP), social capital and coping mechanisms |
Economics of Food and Nutrition (NUM209) - 2 SKS/ 3.2 ECTS | This course discusses the relationship between economic variables and food consumption and nutrition; the relationship between economic development and improved nutrition; economic policy and its influence on food consumption and nutrition; principles of minimizing the cost of food consumption, feasibility analysis and evaluation of food and nutrition programs, as well as measuring the economic impact of nutrition problems |
Nutrition and Productivity (NUM311) - 2 SKS/ 3.2 ECTS | This course discusses: Nutrition and labour productivity, nutrition problems in the institution (chronic energy deficiency, obesity), nutrition problems in the institution (anaemia), nutrition problems in the institution (hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, hyperuricemia), special problem of nutrition of women workers (pregnant, menstruation, lactation), nutritional needs of the workforce (macronutrients), nutritional needs of the workforce (micronutrients), factors of working environment affecting the nutritional status of labour, labour nutrition in hot workplace, labour nutrition in places exposed to radiation, eating management at workplace. |
Nutritional Anthropology (SOK103) - 2 SKS/ 3.2 ECTS | This course discusses: Introduction to nutritional anthropology, development of food systems, eating habits (food habits), food preferences (food preferences), ethnicity and eating habits, geographical dimensions of food and consumption, food ideology system, adaptive behaviour towards food fulfilment and nutrition, socio-cultural aspects during pregnancy, breastfeeding, infants, children, food ethnography, nutritional anthropological study methods, food consumption: data collection, analysis and interpretation. |