Nutrition (Practicum) (NUM404) - 2 SKS/ 3.2 ECTSNutrition Practicum Learning contains:
1. Anthropometric PSG method, body size and body composition,
2. Reference data, advantages and disadvantages of anthropometric methods,
3. Anthropometric PSG in infants, toddlers and adults,
4. PSG Biochemistry,
5. PSG Clinical (interpretation of physical signs, functional assessment, weaknesses and strengths of clinical PSG, clinical signs of various nutritional problems),
6. PSG indirectly; WHO anthro and WHO Anthro plus software;
7. Growth counseling and feeding, National, Household, and individual level Dietetic PSG,
8. Dietary quality,
9. Build menus.
Food and Nutrition Technology (NUM304) - 2 SKS/ 3.2 ECTSAfter following this lesson, students are able to explain the influence of food processing principles (high/hot temperature,
low temperature, drying, fermentation, BTM), food characteristics, packaging and storage on nutrition so as to increase use value and added value of food as well as students can find out the latest issues of the latest food.
Nutrition Education (EDM401) - 2 SKS/ 3.2 ECTSThis course discusses the relationship between research, theory and practice (problems in nutrition education, determinants of diet and food choices, basic theory and research), theory-based nutrition education design procedures (steps 1-6), implementation of nutrition education (working with diverse populations); best practice, public policy and ethics), hands-on experience with EMODEMO techniques, as well as monitoring and evaluation of nutrition education programs.
Nutritional Epidemiology (KME406) - 2 SKS/ 3.2 ECTSThis Nutrition Epidemiology Lecture Study discusses:
1. The nutritional epidemiology triangle,
2. Determinants, distribution and variables of nutritional epidemiology,
3. Natural history of occurrence nutritional disease,
4. Observational nutritional epidemiology study design,
5. Experimental nutritional epidemiology study design.
Urban Nutrition (NUM318) - 2 SKS/ 3.2 ECTSIn this course will be discussed about urban nutrition. The material discussed in this course is about nutritional problems
that occur in urban areas, such as double and triple malnutrition and the causes of these multiple nutritional problems (genetic, fetal programming, and individual variation, lifestyle, behavior, socioculture impact, environment (food, economic, physical/built environment). In addition, this course also discusses the demographic transition, epidemiological transition, and nutrition transition. This course also discusses programs and policies on nutrition issues existing double
Food Safety (NUM401) - 2 SKS/ 3.2 ECTSLearning about Food Safety Lectures discusses:
1. Introduction to food safety,
2. Food quality and safety in terms of: Biochemical aspects, physical contaminants, microbial contaminants, chemical contaminants,
3. Food standards; Legislation, and consumer protection as well as BTM poisoning cases, their prevention and management,
4. Cases of microbial poisoning prevention and management. In addition, HACCP is also discussed, including: The HACCP system. Basic requirements for implementation HACCP, HACCP Implementation and Planning the HACCP Program.