Parametric Biostatistics (MAS208) - 3 SKS/ 4.8 ECTSThe course discusses the concept of parametric biostatistical tests, principles and applications of 2-way Anova, concepts and applications of multiple linear regression, assumptions of linear regression and alternatives if there are violations of assumptions, principles and applications of one and two-way anacova, principles and applications of time series and trends
Biostatistics for Semi Quantitative Data (MAS322) - 2 SKS/ 3.2 ECTSThe course discusses the analysis of health data with the Biostatistics Concept of semi-quantitative data.
1. Correlation Test consists of: Spearman Correlation, Kendall Tau Correlation, Kendall Concordance Correlation.
2. Difference test consists of: Kolmogorov Smirnov, Sign Test, Wilcoxon Sign Rank, Wilcoxon ManWhitney, median test, Kruskal Wallis, Friedman
Biostatistics for Categorical Data (MAS323) - 2 SKS/ 3.2 ECTSThe course discusses category data analysis for health by:
1. The concept of categorical data biostatistics
2. Test for categorical data: chi-square, Exact Fisher, McNemar, Haenzel's coat, and Cochran.
3. Association Test: Crammer's coefficient, Gamma Coefficient, Kappa coefficient, Contingency Coefficient
4. Logistic Regression Analysis and Modeling with Logistic Regression Analysis
5. Log linier
Research Design for Health (PNM406) - 2 SKS/ 3.2 ECTSThis course discusses:
1. Observational research with a cross-sectional design
2. Observational research with a case control design
3. Observational research with a cohort design
4. Experimental research – Pre experiment
5. Experimental research – Quasi expriment
6. Experimental research – Pure experiment
7. Experimental research – Experimental statistical design
Demographic Technique (KMD312) - 2 SKS/ 3.2 ECTSThe Demographic Engineering course discusses:
1. Various population base measures and measurement errors,
2. Fertility measurement and analysis methods,
3. Mortality measurement and analysis methods, how to calculate and interpret them
4. Death Table (Life Table), its analysis and interpretation
5. Measurement and analysis of migration rates, migration flows and urbanization rates,
6. Measurement and analysis of population projections and interpolation,
7. Measurement and Analysis of Population Indicators and Welfare Indicators,
8. Employment measurement and analysis,
9. Measurement and analysis of nullity (marriage and divorce)
Maternal Health and Safety (KMD305) - 2 SKS/ 3.2 ECTSThe Maternal Health and Safety course discusses:
1. Concepts and understanding of maternal health, safety and death
2. Theory of determinants of maternal death
3. Complications of pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum
4. Principles of strategies for reducing maternal mortality
5. Maternal health status and reproductive status that affect maternal health - safety
6. Guaranteed access to maternal health services
7. Antenatal, postpartum and family planning examinations
8. Status of women in the family and society
9. Making Pregnancy Movement and strategy Safer
10. Safe motherhood movement and strategy
11. Mother Care Movement and KIA component strategy
12. Current issues, MDGs, policies and programs for maternal health & safety in Indonesia.
Fertility and Family Planning (KMD316) - 2 SKS/ 3.2 ECTSThe Fertility and Population Family Planning course discusses:
1. Concepts and Definitions of Fertility and Family Planning
2. Factors Affecting Fertility (Fertility Determinants)
3. Supplay and Demand of Children
4. Fertility Regulation and Its Costs
5. Fertility Decision Making Processes
6. Nuptiality and Fertility (Marriage, Divorse and Family)
7. Social and Fertility Institutions
8. Contraceptive Methods: types and how they work
9. Side effect of contraception
10. Contraceptive management (obtain, how to use it correctly, purpose and contraceptive targets)
11. Population and Family Planning Programs (BKB, BKR and BKL, KB Mandiri).