Learning Outcomes

Learning Outcomes of the Bachelor of Public Health Programme

A. Attitude (A)

  • LO1: Demonstrating compliance with religious values, general norms, values upheld by the society, and professional ethics in relation to the application of knowledge in public health.
  • LO2: Carrying out academic practices in relation with the application of knowledge in the field of public health as specified by the law and professional ethics.

B. General Skills (GS)

  • LO3: Applying logical, critical, systematic, and innovative thinking in the context of developing or implementing science and technology that heeds and applies humanistic values in line with their field of expertise.
  • LO4: Writing academic reports and rediscovering data to ensure validity and prevent plagiarism in their field of expertise based on scientific research in producing solutions, ideas, designs, or art criticisms.
  • LO5: Carrying out the self-evaluation process of the workgroup under their responsibility, and able to manage the learning process independently.

C. Knowledge (K)

  • LO6: Mastering the basic theory of public health sciences, including health environmental, epidemiology, health policy administration, health promotion and behavioral science, nutrition, occupational health and safety, biostatistics and population studies, health reproductive and maternal/child health.
  • LO7: Integrating the theoretical concepts of public health skills into strengthening the managing of tropical health issues.

D. Specific skills (SS)

  • LO8: Conducting a study/ survey and situational analysis to identify the public health problem and its determinant to solve public health-related problems.
  • LO9: Developing and planning health programs based on public health problems and its determinant and also advocate evidence based public health policy.
  • LO10: Communicating effectively to promote health and prevent diseases using appropriate media and behavioral change theory based on the assessment results of public health problems in the community.
  • LO11: Acknowledging the importance of local culture to promote health and prevent disease in the community.
  • LO12: Carrying out community empowerment to promote health and prevent disease in the community.
  • LO13: Planning for the budget of public health program by calculating unit cost, performing cost benefit analysis and cost effectiveness analysis and managing the finance in primary health care.
  • LO14: Performing organizational leadership that fosters common goals and conducive organizational culture through systematic thinking.