Specialization of Epidemiology

Mapping of Risk and Disease Patterns (KME423) - 2 SKS/ 3.2 ECTSThis course discusses descriptive epidemiology as a basis for mapping disease patterns and risks. Mapping skills will be learned using the Health Mapper and EpiMap software. Lectures are held in classrooms and computing laboratories. Material delivery is carried out by lecture, discussion and practicum methods
Epidemiology Vaccine Preventable Disease (PD3I) (KME301) - 3 SKS/ 4.8 ECTSThe course discusses the principles of epidemiology in PD3I such as the Immunization Immunology Concept, the National Immunization Program, Immunization Schedules, Post Immunization Follow-up Events, and the epidemiology of various diseases that can be prevented by immunization such as tuberculosis, diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, measles, poliomyelitis, hepatitis-B, mumps, rubella and varicella.
Data Management in Epidemiology (Practicum) (KME413) - 2 SKS/ 3.2 ECTSThis course is delivered by means of lab (computer practice), including epidemiological data management, data management phases for data surveillance and epidemiological research, analysis of epidemiological data for surveillance data, and epidemiological research data along with the size of association and calculation of risks
Screening in Public Health (KME414) - 3 SKS/ 4.8 ECTSThis course discusses the principles of screening, analyses screening programs and the capabilities of screening tools, screening activities for diseases/health problems, physical and laboratory examinations for screening, as well as designing, implementing, and presenting the results of screening implementation