Greeting From The Head Of Undergraduate Program

Praise to the presence of God Almighty for the completion of the official website of the Public Health Undergraduate Study Program, FKM Unair. All information and profiles of the Public Health undergraduate study program FKM Unair can be accessed through this website.

Undergraduate Public Health Study Program FKM Unair has been accredited by LAMPTKES, AUN-QA, APHEA. In its jpurney, in 2023 the Undergraduate Public Health Study Program, FKM Unair, is also applying for accreditation from an international institution, ASIIN, which is still in the review stage.

This website can be accessed by the public, which aims to provide information for prospective students, relevant stakeholders, and alumni. With this website, it is hoped that it will be a forum for good and effective communication between the Study Program and all academics, alumni and anyone who wants to know the details of the Public Health undergraduate Study Program, FKM Unair.

Welcome to the Public Health Undergraduate Study Program, FKM Unair and thank you for visiting the official website of the Public Health Undergraduate Study Program. FKM Unair.

Head of Undergraduate Program in Public Health
Dr. Muji Sulistyowati, S.KM., M.Kes