May 23, 2019


Dear Mr. / Ms. Researcher (name attached) Universitas Airlangga In connection with the submission of a pre-proposal article review, based on the results of reviews and considerations from several parties. We hereby convey that the pre-proposal that you submitted has passed and is entitled to take part in the next assessment stage. Mr. / Ms....
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Risk is the possibility of damage, injury or effects caused by vulnerabilities which can actually be avoided by preventive efforts. Human interaction with the health system poses a threat to them mainly due to increasingly complex technology, complex procedures, high demand for health services, high expectations from users of health services and the many interests...
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FKM NEWS – Menekuni dunia seni silat membuat Ulfa Lailatus Sa’adah, mahasiswi FKM UNAIR angkatan 2017 yang akrab disapa Ulfa berhasil menjadi salah satu mahasiswa bidikmisi berprestasi. Tidak hanya itu, Ulfa juga cukup aktif berorganisasi dan mengikuti kegiatan kampus. Salah satu organisasi yang dia ikuti adalah Garuda Sakti. Beberapa capaian terbesar Ulfa di tahun 2018...
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